Assignments WS 2018/2019
![]() | Please, put here your assignments. Do not forget to sign them. You can use ~~~~ (four tildas) for an automatic signature. Use Show preview in order to check the result before your final sumbition. |
![]() | Please, strive to formulate your assignment carefully. We expect an adequate effort to formulate the assignment as it is your semestral paper. Do not forget that your main goal is a research paper. It means your simulation model must generate the results that are specific, measurable and verifiable. Think twice how you will develop your model, which entities you will use, draw a model diagram, consider what you will measure. No sooner than when you have a good idea about the model, submit your assignment. And of course, read How to deal with the simulation assignment. |
![]() | Topics on gambling, cards, etc. are not welcome. |
![]() | In order to avoid possible confusion, please, check if you have added approved in bold somewhere in our comment under your submission. If there is no approved, it means the assignment was not approved yet. |
- 1 Simulation proposal (Xvegm00) Simulation of semi-intelligent algae
- 2 Simulation proposal (xkorj58) Vacuum cleaner
- 3 Simulation proposal (dolj04)
- 4 Simulation proposal (svem02 Martin svejda (talk) 18:42, 18 December 2018 (CET))
- 5 Simulation proposal (xkaij00 (talk) 21:20, 18 December 2018 (CET))
- 6 Simulation proposal (bobj00) (Bobrekjiri (talk) 13:49, 19 December 2018 (CET)) (Not approved yet)
- 7 Simulation proposal Martin svejda (talk) 16:52, 19 December 2018 (CET)
- 8 Simulation proposal qnesa01
- 9 Simulation proposal Kadj02 (talk) (Jindřich Kadoun) 18:52, 19 December 2018 (CET) (Reworked, Not Approved)
- 10 Simulation proposal Xlazl00 (talk) 22:33, 19 December 2018 (CET)
- 11 Simulation proposal Xsmyt00 (talk) 09:30, 20 December 2018 (CET)
- 12 Simulation proposal Manj01 (talk) 15:21, 21 December 2018 (CET)
- 13 Simulation proposal (xpipj04)
- 14 Simulation proposal (xlusm05) Simulation of a public ice rink
Simulation proposal (Xvegm00) Simulation of semi-intelligent algae
This Netlogo simulation aims to copy the behaviour of a symbiotic organism called physarum polycephalum. Physarum is actually a single cell organism, but when two or more cells meet, their membranes merge together and they work together to efficiently gather nutrition and multiply. This simulation should mimic the spread and path creation of the algae, as well as its ability to solve the shortest path problem. Video about physarum: [1]
The algae should work in two modes: food search and optimisation. The food search part involves the algae spreading in a radial pattern, until it finds a foodsource. When it succeeds, it should optimise its pathways to allow for fastest nutrient transport. The goal is for the algae to be able to find the shortest path to food source (and optimize - destroy/recontruct exisiting pathways). It should be able to work around obstacles as well. A test of function could be for the algae to find a path through a wall with three holes and to choose the proper hole (with shortest path).
Initial plan There is an initial node, where the algae begins and from which it spreads. Food is randomly distributed across the area, defined be a patch of certain color. Algae spreads as agents, leaving behind patches as temporary algae. Temporary algae have a time to live, a timeout. When foodsource is found, nutrients travel as agents back to to initial node. When nutrients visit an algae patch, they reset its timeout. Thus, only the algae which has nutrients travelling on it can survive. With a properly applied randonmness, for the travel of nutrients as well as the agents, this should optimise the pathways.
Assignment Title: Simulation of semi-intelligent algae
Course: 4IT496 Simulace systémů (v angličtině) (WS 2018/2019)
Author: Bc. Martin Vegner
Model type: Multiagent
Modeling tool: NetLogo
Xvegm00 (talk) 13:23, 30 December 2018 (CET)
- Generally, it could be done, but it is necessary to elaborate this assignment into greater detail. How you will measure the results? How you can say if it was successful or not? Tomáš (talk) 02:21, 31 December 2018 (CET)
- Asiggnment updated. Please revise. Xvegm00 (talk) 14:33, 31 December 2018 (CET)
- Ok, now I understand it better, how the simulation works, and it is fine. The only questionmark is still the results. What is the problem you study? What is the question you solve? How do you verify, your simulation solved the problem? Tomáš (talk) 21:30, 31 December 2018 (CET)
- It solves the travelling salesmen problem, which is algoritmically NP complete problem. However, it is solved through agents, which incorporates emergent intelligence, through orderly behaviour of agents. It explains how a group of algae, without any neurons or thinking organs, solves difficult problems. It shows, that there is a simple and low requirement solution to the problem. It offers a different solution to calculating the path, instead a simulation can be used to plan roads between cities for example. It can be verified, as i suggested in the assignment, by making it find the shortest path arround obstacles. It even adapts to changes in the topology.Xvegm00 (talk) 23:26, 1 January 2019 (CET)
- Ok, now I understand it better, how the simulation works, and it is fine. The only questionmark is still the results. What is the problem you study? What is the question you solve? How do you verify, your simulation solved the problem? Tomáš (talk) 21:30, 31 December 2018 (CET)
- Asiggnment updated. Please revise. Xvegm00 (talk) 14:33, 31 December 2018 (CET)
Simulation proposal (xkorj58) Vacuum cleaner
This simulation should be created as a space search. There shall be two types of agents - first ones, police officers looking for a thief. Second a thief (moveable or imoveable) which is about to be found. Room itself could have obstacles. Police officers will have a vision, can have memory, could be various number of them and level of shared information about searched fields.
Environment will have certain number of walls through which agent (police officer) can't see. In this environment will be thief to find (moving or stable). It will be a closed environment (walled from all sides), for the agent information about the environment will be inaccessible, he will not know, where the walls are and how many of them there is. It will be deterministic - every step of one of agents will have just one effect - on agent itself. This leads to a static environment - agents will be the only moving things in it. As the environment is closed it will have certain number of possible actions. Thus it will be discrete and dimensional.
Agents will at first randomly run through the space. It will have a vision (few patches in front of him). It will also save information about what he saw, therefore he will know where should he go to explore unseen locations. From this comes his intelligence. In situation with more agents, they will share this information about space and create for themselves a map of the environment (already searched patches).
Title: Find the thief
Course: 4IT496 Simulace systémů (v angličtině) (WS 2018/2019)
Author: Bc. Jiří Korčák
Model type: Multiagent
Modeling tool: NetLogo
Xkorj58 (talk) 16:03, 17 December 2018 (CET)
- Sorry, but I don't understand what is this simulation good for. What meaningful problem do you solve? Tomáš (talk) 01:44, 31 December 2018 (CET)
- The problem should be about how memory, number of police officers and shared informations influence searching for a thief. It could have applications for AI in computer games (thats where you meet agents like this ones) or even in real life - most important thing when looking for something is: ... (when there is 20 of us looking for something, memory and shared information is not that important, etc.). Xkorj58 (talk) 10:36, 31 December 2018 (CET)
- The assignment is too brief. For the real situation, you definitely need stated where do you find relevant data to be able setting the parameters of the simulation. If you want to develop an intelligent agent for using in e.g. computer games, I am fine with that, but you need to define the environment, you need to define, how the agent should exactly behave, how his intelligence works, etc.
- Please, choose one of the approaches (I would recommend the second one), and describe the problem really in detail. Tomáš (talk) 21:35, 31 December 2018 (CET)
- I think, I'll pick the second one. Up in describtion I tried to define the environment and the agents intelligence. I'm not sure if it's complex enough. What do you recommend in this situation and simulation to upgrade? Escpecially about the agents (officers and thiefs). Thanks for your answer. Xkorj58 (talk) 02:48, 2 January 2019 (CET)
- Do I understand well, that this way you explore an unknown area? It could be a good task, this is something e.g. robots need to do. Why do you need the thief? Tomáš (talk) 11:57, 8 January 2019 (CET)
- I think I need it to measure time of the search. Like a point to be reached. I suppose it's better than just exploring the room as a whole. You think it would be better to just measure time needed to explore every patch in a room? Xkorj58 (talk) 19:58, 8 January 2019 (CET)
- I don't see a point in police-thief simulation. I think it is completely useless. On the other hand, the problem, how to cover the whole space of the room, is not that simple and could be quite interesting to solve. It is something what e.g. robotic vacuum cleanders have to solve. But in this case, don't forget that such a robot could hardly have a grid with tiles in its memory to mark where it already took place, and that it should optimize its trajectory. If this is something interesting for you, then it is approved. Tomáš (talk) 22:37, 8 January 2019 (CET)
- I think I need it to measure time of the search. Like a point to be reached. I suppose it's better than just exploring the room as a whole. You think it would be better to just measure time needed to explore every patch in a room? Xkorj58 (talk) 19:58, 8 January 2019 (CET)
- Do I understand well, that this way you explore an unknown area? It could be a good task, this is something e.g. robots need to do. Why do you need the thief? Tomáš (talk) 11:57, 8 January 2019 (CET)
- I think, I'll pick the second one. Up in describtion I tried to define the environment and the agents intelligence. I'm not sure if it's complex enough. What do you recommend in this situation and simulation to upgrade? Escpecially about the agents (officers and thiefs). Thanks for your answer. Xkorj58 (talk) 02:48, 2 January 2019 (CET)
- The problem should be about how memory, number of police officers and shared informations influence searching for a thief. It could have applications for AI in computer games (thats where you meet agents like this ones) or even in real life - most important thing when looking for something is: ... (when there is 20 of us looking for something, memory and shared information is not that important, etc.). Xkorj58 (talk) 10:36, 31 December 2018 (CET)
Simulation proposal (dolj04)
Topic/goal: Optimal size of HDD for virtual Digitization server
Definition of the problem:
- each day an average of 47 batches of documents is being processed by the server with average size per batch of 32 MB (calculated from customers server)
- the number of batches changes a lot and cant be easily predicted so it will have to be taken into consideration (from sample: lowest number of batches scanned in a day is 13, the highest is 134)
- the average size is not changing that much
- (batch contains original scanned documents, extracted data in XML files, log files, enhanced images and searchable PDF)
- backup images from scanning will stay on the server for 6 months (those are additional ~50 % of the batch size)
- successfully processed batches older than 14 days are deleted every day
- for precaution lets say around 5% of batches wont be processed correctly
- those will stay on the server and will be processed every month by admins
Simulation environment: Vensim
- on what data you will base the simulation? I do not see any causal loops in the issue you are trying to solve, using Vesim does not make much sense then- this topic suits the Monte Carlo if you have the data to derive the parameters from. Oleg.Svatos (talk) 22:38, 18 December 2018 (CET)
- I would like to take the data at work as I have access to production server which is used by one of our customers for digitization and I will use Monte Carlo as you suggested.
- OK.Approved. Make sure that the derivation of probability distributions out of the real data for generating the random values is also part of your paper.Oleg.Svatos (talk) 08:38, 20 December 2018 (CET)
Simulation proposal (svem02 Martin svejda (talk) 18:42, 18 December 2018 (CET))
Topic: likelihood of infection with flu
Definition of the problem:
- everyone has a certain probability of getting sick with a flu, this model calculates the probability based on the people you are in contact with (two types of people, infected, not infected). Other variables and levels are available (e.g. infestation, total population
Simulation environment: Vensim
- on what data you would set up the simulation? how would you simulate the individual people and their connection in Vensim? (in my opinon this topic fits multiagent simulation) Oleg.Svatos (talk) 22:30, 18 December 2018 (CET)
- I would base the simulation on how much one person interacts with others, depending on this variable the person would have some probability of getting sick thus the number of ill people would increase thus the probability of him getting sick would be higher and higher. The variable infestation would represent how much the illness is easily transimited to other people. Martin svejda (talk) 14:04, 19 December 2018 (CET)
- I do not see it as simulation - not much of randomness, no causal feedback loops and pretty obvious result (the longer the simulation would run, the more sick people or that one gets sick) with no practical use. Not to mention, there is no data to derive the equations needed. Either reformulate it for the Netlogo so that it has some useful results based on some real data, or try something else. Oleg.Svatos (talk) 14:27, 19 December 2018 (CET)
- Ok, I will try something else. New proposal at the bottom of the page Martin svejda (talk) 16:46, 19 December 2018 (CET)
- I do not see it as simulation - not much of randomness, no causal feedback loops and pretty obvious result (the longer the simulation would run, the more sick people or that one gets sick) with no practical use. Not to mention, there is no data to derive the equations needed. Either reformulate it for the Netlogo so that it has some useful results based on some real data, or try something else. Oleg.Svatos (talk) 14:27, 19 December 2018 (CET)
- I would base the simulation on how much one person interacts with others, depending on this variable the person would have some probability of getting sick thus the number of ill people would increase thus the probability of him getting sick would be higher and higher. The variable infestation would represent how much the illness is easily transimited to other people. Martin svejda (talk) 14:04, 19 December 2018 (CET)
Simulation proposal (xkaij00 (talk) 21:20, 18 December 2018 (CET))
Topic: Social and economical effects of reunification of North & South Korea
Definition of the problem:
Let's hope one day South and North Korea will be reunited. That would mean a big fluctuation of people between the two separated states:
- North Koreans will migrate to South Korea area, look for flats, try to get jobs and receive welfare.
- South Koreans will invest in North Korea area and create jobs and factories there.
I would like to simulate:
- What will be the population ratio of the two areas per square meter.
- How many North Koreans will move to South Korea area after the reunification and how many of them will be on welfare and how much that will cost the new reunited country.
- How much will the suicide rate change in Korea after the reunification since it's a known fact that defected North Koreans have a high suicide rate due to the fact they have difficulties to adjust to the new lifestyle and process propaganda-free information.
- What will be the housing situation after the reunification.
- How will the GDP of the new country possibly develop.
- Possibly how much money will be needed from international help.
Simulation environment: NetLogo
- I must say it is a really interesting topic, but I am afraid it is a bit too ambitious. Please, if you are interested in this topic, elaborate in detail, how you would solve it. What agents would you use, what parameters, how the simulation would look like, on what data it should be based (and where you get them). And perhaps focus on fewer goals. To be honest, I am still not sure if this is doable, because of the need for extensive research. But, try to think about it yourself. Tomáš (talk) 19:26, 19 December 2018 (CET)
- Thank you for the feedback - I tried to break down and simplify the simulation:
- Agents:
- - North Koreans (0-14 years)
- - North Koreans (15-24 years)
- - North Koreans (25-54 years)
- - North Koreans (55-64 years)
- - North Koreans (65 years and over)
- - South Koreans (0-14 years)
- - South Koreans (15-24 years)
- - South Koreans (25-54 years)
- - South Koreans (55-64 years)
- - South Koreans (65 years and over)
- - South Korea listed companies
- - Foregin investors
- Parameters
- - North Korea GDP
- - North Korea GDP growth
- - South Korea GDP
- - South Korea GDP growth
- - North Korea area [sq. meters]
- - South Korea area [sq. meters]
- - North Korea unemployment rate
- - South Korea unemployment rate
- - South Korea average salary [[2]]
- - Migration rates from East to West Germany after the fall of the Iron Curtain [[5]] (will be used as a reference for random migration rates)
- Targets of the simulation:
- - Determine population distribution based on migration rates (random based on data from Eastern/Western Germany case) and population
- - Determine unemployment in the reunited country
- - Determine suicide rates of North Koreans based on welfare / amount of underage persons (students) / average salary / amount of retired persons
- - Determine new GDP based on above data (foreign investors being random)
- Data sources:
- The running simulation should show charts of the suicide rates, unemployment and GDP in time and the absolute numbers for the population distribution.
- Please let me know if this narrowing-down and breakdown is sufficient :) Thank you.
- The relevance of comparison with Germany is questionable, but, ok. Let's say there perhaps isn't any better comparison. Nevertheless, I still don't understand, how the simulation should work. How the agents will act? How it will be measured? How you will be able to calculate all the figures? Tomáš (talk) 18:28, 21 December 2018 (CET)
- OK, I thought about how I would realize the simulation in NetLogo and I see you were right about it being too complicated. So I tried to simplify my model even more to be doable:
- - The patches will be divided proportionally by area of the two countries, they will also be characterized by a certain portion of the initial GDP as their wealth.
- - The turtles representing Koreans will have initial wealth (also based on the initial GDP) and they will be migrating towards one of the two states based on their inclination to migrate to the other country. This inclination will be calculated randomly based on the East-West Germany migration data and their wealth.
- - On each tick, the simulation will determine:
- - if the turtle (Korean) has a job (landed one, got fired, is working, or didn't get hired) based semi-randomly on the wealth of the patch the turtle is on.
- - The wealth of the patch and turtle -> if the turtle is employed, it gains wealth and also generates a little wealth for the patch; If unemployed, it drains the wealth of the patch a little and its wealth decreases a little.
- - Based on the suicide rates, employment and wealth, it will also semi-randomly decide if the person is likely to kill themselves.
- That way we can at least simulate and see the wealth distribution, suicide rates and population distribution in a very simplified model... Does that makes sense or am I still in over my head? :) Xkaij00 (talk) 19:20, 21 December 2018 (CET)
- To be honest, I am a bit skeptical about the results. As the assignment is based on vague assumptions, I think the results will be very general. On the other hand, I appreciate the level of preparation, which is above average. Hence, it is exceptionally approved and I hope you invest the same level of effort into the simulation itself. Tomáš (talk) 01:52, 31 December 2018 (CET)
Simulation proposal (bobj00) (Bobrekjiri (talk) 13:49, 19 December 2018 (CET)) (Not approved yet)
Topic/goal: Comparing the efficiency of Diamond interchange and Diverging diamond interchange
Definition of the problem:
- Diverging diamond interchange is an alternative to Diamond interchange that is being used in France since 1970s and was brought to light recently (2009) in USA because it should be more effective than Diamond interchange in terms of waiting times and also in terms of safety (fewer crossing points of traffic).
- Goal of the simulation is to measure if the statement about lower waiting times is correct and under which conditions (traffic load, traffic lights setup).
- Throughput and waiting times will be measured under several traffic conditions, for example: most cars exiting highway are heading south or most cars entering highway are heading west, etc.
- Model does not include simulation of traffic accidents, so the safety cannot be measured and will not be part of the simulation.
Simulation environment: Netlogo Approved Tomáš (talk) 18:29, 21 December 2018 (CET)
Simulation proposal Martin svejda (talk) 16:52, 19 December 2018 (CET)
Topic/goal: Maze runner vs fire
Definition of the problem:
- There will be n apartment with rooms and obstacles (tables, bed, bath...), in a random room will be a people (user selects how many), who will try to find the way out, in some other random place will be fire spreading rapidly. Agents will not be able to move through walls and obstacles. The purpose of this simulation is to simulate an escape plan for an apartment.
Simulation environment: Netlogo
- What is the purpose of the simulation? Tomáš (talk) 18:30, 21 December 2018 (CET)
- to find out whether a person who is lost in a building will survive. Imagine yourself in a bulding you have never been before and a fire appears. Wouldn’t it be interesting to know If you would find your way out? Martin svejda (talk) 22:51, 21 December 2018 (CET)
- It is just a modification of our Building escape example. Ok, it could be doable, but there must be a clear and substantial added value. Your assignment proposal must be much much more deeply elaborated. Tomáš (talk) 01:56, 31 December 2018 (CET)
- Ok, edited. Martin svejda (talk) 01:53, 3 January 2019 (CET)
- It is just a modification of our Building escape example. Ok, it could be doable, but there must be a clear and substantial added value. Your assignment proposal must be much much more deeply elaborated. Tomáš (talk) 01:56, 31 December 2018 (CET)
- to find out whether a person who is lost in a building will survive. Imagine yourself in a bulding you have never been before and a fire appears. Wouldn’t it be interesting to know If you would find your way out? Martin svejda (talk) 22:51, 21 December 2018 (CET)
Simulation proposal qnesa01
Topic/goal: Traffic simulation Argentinska street
- Argentinska street is one of the important roads in Prague that connects Bubenské nábřeží with bridge “Barikádníků”. It leads from city centre and other parts of city outside to the northern part of the country, and to Germany or Poland. Moreover, Argentinska street connects hospital “Na Bulovce” with city centre and other parts. For emergency vehicles it is the way how to get faster, where help is needed.
Definition of the problem:
- There is traffic on the road during mornings and evenings, which makes people wait sometimes hours to get out and more important it makes difficult pass for emergency vehicles.
Purpose of simulation:
In the scope is part of Argentinska street from Bubenské nábřeží till Dělnická street plus street Za Viaduktem, part of Jateční and part of Tusarova street as they have influence on the whole situation of Argentinska traffic. The purpose of the simulation is to find ways how to make traffic less. In order to do it will be checked, first, if it is possible to change lights more efficiently for cars flow. Second, answer the question – if we can add only one line only to one direction, which direction we have to choose: to city centre or from city centre?
Simulation environment: Simprocess; SUMO (for traffic representation)
Brief process of simulation :
1) Data collection. Data will be collected manually (observation) and from HERE traffic API. Manually for morning, midday and evening during 30 mins each part of the day within one week. At the end of data collecting the average distribution will be made based on the data.
2) Real situation simulation
3) Based on simulation of real situation will be checked the efficiency of lights changes
4) The hypothetical model of adding one more line will be created based on simulation of real situation
5) Summary
- Ok, SUMO could be used for this. I just don't understand what you will simulate in SUMO, and what you will simulate in Simprocess, and why? The combination of two tools is uneasy, so there should be a good reason. However sounds interesting. Tomáš (talk) 18:41, 21 December 2018 (CET)
- The Simprocess will be used for problem solution and SUMO for traffic representation of ready solution. Because SUMO does not have strong performance in searching solution, but very good for clear representation of ready result. Combination of two tools will be useful for this case. qnesa01 (talk) 21:47, 27 December 2018 (CET)
- As I have mentioned above, firstly I am going to simulate initial state (as it is now). This will be done in Simprocess and SUMO. In Simprocess will be used variables: time of lights change, distribution of cars number arriving, staying and leaving. Based on same variables, simulation in SUMO will be created to get map based view. Secondly, I would like to work with variables to answer the proposed questions. All changes will be done first in Simprocess to get optimal solution. And then based again on the result values of variables from Simprocess the map view in SUMO will be made. So, SUMO will be used for representation purpose, to show Simprocess solution on the map. qnesa01 (talk) 11:27, 3 January 2019 (CET)
Simulation proposal Kadj02 (talk) (Jindřich Kadoun) 18:52, 19 December 2018 (CET) (Reworked, Not Approved)
Topic/goal: Slime mold simulation (Reworked, Not Approved)
Slime mold (or more accurately physarum polycephalum) is a slime mold that inhabits shady, cool, moist areas,
such as decaying leaves and logs. Like slime molds in general, it is sensitive to light; in particular,
light can repel the slime mold and be a factor in triggering spore growth.
The interesting factor of this mold for my purpose of simulation is the smart-like path finding. This was demonstrated by Harvard Magazine in a topic of solving a simple 2D maze, with finding the shortest path. Also in another demonstration was proven, when the researchers place food at cities on the map, the fungus collaborates, spreading out to map many possible configurations and then dying away to highlight the shortest routes between cities and the most efficient overall system map. For more see: link (
Definition of the problem:
The ability to find the most effective route from one source of food to another is the key ability I'll be
using for my simulation. The behavior and the end result can be easily checked against the realistic data
provided from the recorded studies. The agents will be the mold unit itself, which is directly depended on
the neighbor agents and the environment. Parameters can be changed to create different environment and then
can be compared what would be the minimum strength/endurance + speed to according numbers of food sources.
Key parameters:
-number of "food" in the area (generated randomly)
-number of origin points of the slime mold (generated randomly)
-speed of spreading in which the mold is finding the food
-strength/endurance of the mold - the ability to survive without food (effectively it is the "searching range" of the mold)
Simulation environment: Netlogo
Approved. Tomáš (talk) 12:05, 8 January 2019 (CET)
Simulation proposal Xlazl00 (talk) 22:33, 19 December 2018 (CET)
Topic/goal: Medieval Battle Simulation
Definition of the problem:
Two armies fight each other on a battlefield. An army is composed of several units in a certain formation.
When simulation is started the armies move against each other, killing the units of the opposing army.
When one army has no units left alive it is considered defeated and simulation is over.
There is a limit to how many units an army can have, each unit type has a cost.
Sum of costs cannot be greater than cost limit (600). Furthermore, an army cannot have more than 32 units.
Soldiers start moving forward (towards the center) in formation.
When one soldier meets an enemy soldier, they exchange hits of certain damage (DMG).
Hits lower health points (HP). When health reaches zero a soldier dies.
If a soldier survives an engagement he seeks nearest enemies.
If a soldier doesn’t meet an enemy till he reaches the center of battlefield he starts to seek nearest enemies.
Soldiers of the same army do not fight each other but are obstacles to one another.
When such collision occurs, the blocked soldier tries to find a different route, if there is none, he waits.
HP: 5; DMG: 3; Cost: 10
HP: 10; DMG: 2; Cost: 20
HP: 20; DMG: 5; Cost: 50
There are three formations to choose from: Line, Wedge, Square.
Spearmen make the vanguard, swordsman middle guard and knights rearguard.
Line formation is then 3 lines of each unit types.
Wedge formation is three wedges of each unit type.
Square formation is half of unit type in a line and the other half in a line behind. Six lines in total.
Purpose of simulation:
It simulates medieval combat between two opposing armies.
User selects formations of the armies and number of each unit types, not exceeding the limits.
Repeated simulation leads to conclusions which compositions of units and formation are better against others.
Simulation environment: NetLogo
- I would narrow this down to testing battle strategies. Forget kingdoms. You can perform a research on some historical strategies, their pros and cons, choose some, and try to simulate them, and compare. If it sounds meaningful, please, redefine the assignment. Tomáš (talk) 18:48, 21 December 2018 (CET)
- The part about kingdoms was more of a story telling. The objects in NetLogo would just be the units (of different types). I envisioned them to spawn at random on their given side of the plane, but if it's necessary I could include spawning in historical formations. Would that be ok? Xlazl00 (talk) 11:00, 22 December 2018 (CET)
- The assignment is too brief to check. Please, define it in detail. Theoretically, the assignment should be the only source for you to solve it. It means that in this phase you should have thought out most of the details. Which formations you will simulate, how exactly should it look like, what will be the results, how you will evaluate it... Tomáš (talk) 21:43, 31 December 2018 (CET)
Simulation proposal Xsmyt00 (talk) 09:30, 20 December 2018 (CET)
Topic/goal: Proof of a business plan - simulation of capacities of a Café
Definition of the problem:
At the moment we have a venue in a small town under construction which we would like to turn into a café.
The spatial dispositions are set and now there are many questions like: how to set up tables, find out how many people can be at one time in the café, if the café is profitable when the amount of people coming in is low/medium/high, etc.
Purpose of simulation:
As said, I would like to simulate a process of people coming in to find out the right amount of seats and tables when knowing there will be just one staff member at the time.
I would also like to find out whether it is even possible to manage the whole place being just one person responsible for everything and/or whether it is cost efficient.
The output data should help us find out whether the whole concept is viable and based on the findings we could adjust the business plan.
Simulation environment: I would like to use Simprocess for the simulation of the venue setting and probably complement it with some calculations in Excel.
- I like the idea, just hesitate about the tool. As far as I understand, a substantial part of the whole thing is about the spatial arrangement of the café. Then Simprocess is not the first choice. Why do you want to use it? Tomáš (talk) 18:56, 21 December 2018 (CET)
- I liked that Simprocess allowed me to work with resources. And I see the tables and chairs as a resource, as well as the working power. If the flow of people coming in is well set up, I thought, by adjusting the resources, it should be possible to find out the optional setting. Do you propose any other tool to do that? I will be greatful for other ideas to improve the solution as it is a real problem we would like to solve. Xsmyt00 (talk) 10:21, 27 December 2018 (CET)
- Ok, I can do the simulation in NetLogo and mind the spatial characteristics. I just thought the original idea was complex enought as it would put together several rather simple simulations and tasks - like finding out the right amount of visitors based on data from people that run cafés in different places (recalculating the number of visitors based on the wealthiness of the region, based on the capacity of the venue, the number of citizens and so on).
- I believe I can go with netLogo for simulating the venue as well, although it is not completely clear now for me, how do I find out the right ammount of seats for example?
- I can imagine a random movement of agents coming in taking a first not-taken seat. It can also be like the agent has a capacity (it can be group of 4 or just a pair or a single person visitor) and it could take the table/seat only in case there is enough space for the whole group. There could also be a quality parameters - like grading system for the seats - how far is it from the bar, is it near the toilet and so on. So yes, that might show that some places will be more popular then others. Also the agents might have a limit under which they dont go, like if they dont find a seat with quality high enough they will leave. Now when I am writing this down I think it might work although I still have some questions. Is this something you had in mind as well or am I on completely different track? Thanks. Xsmyt00 (talk) 11:26, 31 December 2018 (CET)
- All right, now I understand it better. For the purpose you mentioned, Simprocess could be fine. The only problem is that the simulation itself is rather simple. Let's stick to it, nevertheless, I will require to make it really in detail including obtaining real data and simulating all relevant aspects. Approved. Tomáš (talk) 21:58, 31 December 2018 (CET)
Simulation proposal Manj01 (talk) 15:21, 21 December 2018 (CET)
Topic/goal: Effective class configuration a plane between Prague and Dubai
Definition of the problem:
There is a new airline operating between Prague and Dubai. The want to configure their planes as effectively as possible. They have one second hand Boeing 777 (396 seats in economy class only configuration)
Purpose of simulation:
Company wants to operate daily air route between Prague and Dubai. The company can have up to four classes - economy, economy plus, business and first. Seat in higher class takes more space, but generates more money. Prices are available from companies currently operating on this route. Demand predictions can be made based on class configurations used by companies already operating on this and similar routes (6-hours mainly holiday) destinations.
Simulation environment: I would like to use MS Excel to do Monte Carlo simulation.
- I just wonder, where is the randomnes, as you want to just derive the configuration from the already operating competition. If it should be a simulation, you would have to have real daily data (for reasonable long period, a year minimum) for the demand for the flights (there and back) and also for the individual classes. Only then you are able to derive probability distributions for the simulation that would make sense. Oleg.Svatos (talk) 22:31, 21 December 2018 (CET)
- Ok, these are not available, so I will try a completely different idea:
Topic/goal: Archiving maximum efficiency in ticket management of a small company (real-life based data)
Definition of the problem:
A small company has support personnel, testers and developers in one office. They together solve tickets created by customers. These tickets sometimes get stuck in ticketing system, because the numbers of people working there are not perfect. Campany uses Kayako and Jira to manage tickets - from these systems, there will be a lot of real-life data to base the simulation on.
Purpose of simulation:
The simulation aims to provide the ideal amount of support people, testers/analysts and developers to solve tickets as quick as possible, while there are constraints, such as company budget and lowered effectivity of too many people working on the same ticket.
Simulation environment: I would like to use Simprocess to model and optimize the workflow.
- All right, approved, but bear in mind that a detailed simulation based on real data is expected.
Simulation proposal (xpipj04)
Topic/goal: You are what you eat
Definition of the problem:
Most people nowadays want to hit the gym or eat healthy to get fit and at the same time take a long high quality sleep and work effectively. All the success in life and your energy comes from the food (nutrition values) you consume a day and the regime you have. The new year is knocking the door and you want to make sure that you will plan your food and regime effectively so your life is in balance.
Purpose of simulation:
Based on the input you choose the simulation should be able to give you the expected levels of achieved energy, work efficiency and especially if you are about to get fit or you will drop down to be a couch potato.
Input parameters
- Food consumed - listed types of food with calculated nutrition values (protein, fat, sugar, energy)
- Time spent at gym (kardio, workout, culturist)
- Time spent at work - type of work (manual, manager)
- Time spent sleeping
- Your BMI
- Your fitness level
- Your work focus
- Your energy level
Where I will get the data?
- My roommate is a nutrition specialist and member of huge fitness project so his advice will be the source of my dependencies between values as well as values for different types of nutrition.
- Nutrition plans.
How will I get the output?
I would like to use NetLogo to be able to see both values (numbers) and also monthly progress on the display (maybe a characted running between job, eating and gym. Showing HP bar? :D).
If this kind of simulation is not suitable for NetLogo then Vensim? I have no idea how would I transfer the problem into equitations which are required.
- You got it right - it is Vensim topic without any doubt. Without mathematical formulation you can not do any simulation, so you have to deal with mathematical model formulation anyway.So, if Vensim is ok with you, than we can approve it. Oleg.Svatos (talk) 08:20, 23 December 2018 (CET)
- Then I will go with Vensim and try to put together something meaningful! Jan Pippal
- OK. Then approved. Oleg.Svatos (talk) 12:29, 24 December 2018 (CET)
- Then I will go with Vensim and try to put together something meaningful! Jan Pippal
- You got it right - it is Vensim topic without any doubt. Without mathematical formulation you can not do any simulation, so you have to deal with mathematical model formulation anyway.So, if Vensim is ok with you, than we can approve it. Oleg.Svatos (talk) 08:20, 23 December 2018 (CET)
Simulation proposal (xlusm05) Simulation of a public ice rink
Author: Marina Lushnikova
Model type: Multiagent
Modeling tool: NetLogo
Course: 4IT496 Simulation of Systems (WS 2018/2019)
Problem description
With each winter season temporary ice skating rinks are seeing an increase in popularity. However, ice skating is also considered to be one of the sports with higher risk of accidents, where not only professional sportsmen but also recreational skaters can suffer from different kinds of injuries. The injuries can range from minor bruises to serious trauma. This can occur due to multiple reasons: inexperience, overcrowding, use of alcohol, and others.
The simulation will show people of different age groups skating on the ice rink and illustrate how injuries may occur with certain probabilities based on real statistical data obtained from previous studies of the problem. The simulation will also be applied using parameters and current safety measures of the temporary ice rink on Letna.
Agents are represented by people divided into age groups.
Key parameters
Rink size, amount of people on the ice, safety requirements for visitors (such as compulsory use of certain kinds of protective gear), availability of alcoholic drinks in the area of the facility, other specifications of the ice rink (for example prevention of overcrowding).
Purpose of simulation:
The goal of the simulation is to find out how to make the whole ice skating experience safer, whether it be using some kinds of protective gear or improving other safety measures, and to illustrate what injuries are the most common and which age groups are at risk the most.
Xlusm05 (talk) 03:13, 17 January 2019 (CET)