Markov decision process
Markov decision process is a mathematical framework used for modeling decision-making problems when the outcomes are partly random and partly controllable.
Agent: an agent is the entity which we are training to make correct decisions (we teach a robot how to move arounf the house without crashing).
Enviroment: is the sorrounding with which the agent interacts (a house), the agent cannot manipulate its sorroundings, it cannot only control its own actions (a robot cannot move a table in the house, it can walk around it in order to avoid crashing).
State: the state defines the current situation of the agent (the robot can be in particular room of the house, or in a particular posture, states depend on a point of view).
Action: the choice that the agent makes at the current step (move left, right, stand up, bend over etc.). We know all possible options for actions in advance.