Traffic Accident Risk Analysis
This page introduces a NetLogo-based simulation that models traffic accident risk. The goal is to understand how road conditions, traffic density, and driver behavior intertwine to create or mitigate accidents. Various research sources underscore the need for a systematic approach to traffic safety, illustrating how driver reliability, infrastructure, and cultural factors shape accident outcomes (Sadauskas, 2011; Gstalter & Fastenmeier, 2010; TSK Praha, 2020; Nordfjærn et al., 2011).
Definition of the Problem
Road traffic accidents remain a pressing public health challenge, especially with the steady growth in vehicle numbers worldwide (Sadauskas, 2011). This proliferation escalates the likelihood of collisions, injuries, and fatalities. A robust traffic safety strategy thus necessitates examining:
Road conditions (from good to very bad).
Driver behavior and risk homeostasis (adjusting behavior based on perceived safety).
Environmental and societal factors that influence compliance with safety rules (Nordfjærn et al., 2011).
Moreover, the complexity of urban intersections can amplify error rates, as drivers face higher cognitive loads and multiple conflict points (Gstalter & Fastenmeier, 2010). In city contexts, baseline accident rates still vary considerably depending on infrastructure, as seen in real-world data (TSK Praha, 2020).
We adopt a multi-pronged, systematic approach to traffic safety, integrating **engineering**, **enforcement**, and **education**—commonly referred to as the “Triple E.(Sadauskas, 2011)
Vehicle and road design improvements include:
- **Intersection geometry optimization:** Represented in the code by the procedure
, which identifies and marks intersection patches. Traffic lights are not working as intended, but are in the code base and interface for user to try.
Additionally, **Human Reliability Analysis (HRA)** was used to determine driver error probabilities, particularly at urban intersections.(Gstalter & Fastenmeier, 2010). By defining “correct” task execution and measuring deviations, HRA quantifies how factors such as road geometry, driver age, and psychosocial influences affect driver reliability.
In the code, this is reflected in the procedure calculate-accident-probability
, which scales a base driver-error rate by factors such as:
- Road conditions
- Speed ratio
- Local congestion
- Intersection complexity
This simulation uses NetLogo to create a grid of patches representing:
Road segments: Assigned good, bad, or very bad condition.
Intersections: Potentially with traffic lights.
Cars (turtles): Move according to lane rules and can trigger accidents based on speed, congestion, and driver-error-rate.
Key points:
Accident Probability: Derived from a base driver-error-rate, amplified by intersection complexity, road condition, and local traffic density (Gstalter & Fastenmeier, 2010; Nordfjærn et al., 2011).
Baseline Rates: Inspired by real accident data (e.g., TSK Praha’s ročenka dopravy or Accident risks of different weather conditions) (TSK Praha, 2020) (Malin 2017).
Systematic Approach: Reflects suggestions for engineering (road condition logic), education (driver-error slider), and enforcement (speed constraints) in modeling different scenarios (Sadauskas, 2011).
High Density, Poor Roads
Because there are 100 cars with a fairly high driver-error-rate (0.05), multiple accidents occurred (10 total). However, they tended to happen later in the simulation (average time until accident over 300 ticks). Most cars (90 out of 100) still reached their destination—likely because accident-duration is very short (1 tick), so blocked patches quickly returned to normal. The relatively high base speed (0.8) also increased mobility, helping more cars finish faster, but also contributed to a moderate accident rate.
Low Density, Strict Limits
Fewer cars (50), but also a much lower base speed (0.3), so cars move more slowly—leading to a higher average travel time (over 200 ticks). Because driver-error-rate is only 0.01 (lower chance of human error) and 70% roads are good, only 3 accidents occurred. Even with slow speed, many cars still took a long time to finish, as shown by the high travel time. Almost all cars managed to complete or crash within the time frame, with 47 successful arrivals.
Moderate Density, Extended Accident Duration
Compared to the second screenshot, the big difference is accident-duration = 90 (very long). Even though speed is still 0.3 and the road condition/distribution is the same, the accident count has climbed to 13, and 16% of the cars ended up in accidents. Because accidents last 90 ticks on a patch, any collision severely disrupts traffic, likely forcing more cars to queue or collide. Despite that, 67 cars did manage to exit, though the blocked patches would have contributed to higher accident numbers and more emergent congestion.
This NetLogo simulation allows users to vary key parameters—such as base speed, number of cars (density), road condition (good to very bad), driver-error rate, and accident duration—then observe metrics like average travel time, distance/time until accident, and accident hotspots. Results show that poor roads and high driver-error rates sharply increase collisions, while long accident durations intensify congestion. Conversely, safer infrastructure, lower driver-error rates, and faster incident clearance foster smoother traffic flow and fewer crashes, underlining the value of integrated traffic safety strategies.
Below is the NetLogo code implementing the simulation structure (patch definitions, accident logic, congestion metrics, etc.). Users can copy and paste it into a NetLogo environment to run their own experiments. For a complete listing, see the setup, go, and supporting procedures:
<syntaxhighlight lang="netlogo">
globals [
;; Sliders / Switch in Interface: ;; - number-of-cars (int) ;; - road-spacing (int) ;; - base-speed (float) ;; - driver-error-rate (float) ;; - accident-duration (int) ;; - traffic-lights? (boolean switch)
;; Statistics total-cars-reached-destination total-cars-accident ;; how many cars died in accidents (cumulative) accident-count ;; how many total accidents have started average-speed average-congestion accident-percentage sum-travel-time ;; sum of time in system for all cars that exit count-completed-cars ;; how many cars reached destination average-travel-time ;; output metric accident-count-good accident-count-bad accident-count-very-bad sum-time-until-accident sum-distance-until-accident average-time-until-accident average-distance-until-accident
patches-own [
is-road? ;; boolean: is this patch part of a road? is-intersection? ;; boolean: is this patch an intersection? lane-direction ;; forced heading: 0, 90, 180, 270, or -1 if intersection traffic-light? ;; does this patch have a traffic light? light-state ;; true=green, false=red has-accident? ;; boolean: accident currently on this patch? accident-lifetime ;; integer: how many ticks remain for this accident? road-condition ;; 0=good, 1=bad, 2=very bad (affects accident prob)
breed [ cars car ] cars-own [
speed max-speed stopped-ticks destination ;; patch or nobody birth-tick ;; store the tick when the car is created distance-traveled ;; accumulates how far the car has moved
- 1. SETUP ;;;
to setup
;; Initialize stats set total-cars-reached-destination 0 set total-cars-accident 0 set accident-count 0 set average-speed 0 set average-congestion 0 set sum-travel-time 0 set count-completed-cars 0 set average-travel-time 0 set accident-count-good 0 set accident-count-bad 0 set accident-count-very-bad 0 set sum-time-until-accident 0 set sum-distance-until-accident 0 set average-time-until-accident 0 set average-distance-until-accident 0
setup-roads setup-intersections setup-traffic-lights setup-road-conditions reset-ticks create-initial-cars
to setup-roads
ask patches [ set is-road? false set is-intersection? false set traffic-light? false set light-state false set has-accident? false set accident-lifetime 0 set lane-direction 0 set road-condition 0 set pcolor green ]
;; 2-lane roads in x or y dimension let road-patches patches with [ (abs pxcor mod road-spacing <= 1) or (abs pycor mod road-spacing <= 1) ]
ask road-patches [ set is-road? true set pcolor grey ]
;; Assign forced lane headings for non-intersection road patches ask road-patches [ let x-road? (abs pxcor mod road-spacing <= 1) let y-road? (abs pycor mod road-spacing <= 1)
;; purely vertical lane: pick 0 or 180 if (x-road? and not y-road?) [ ifelse (pxcor mod 2 = 0) [ set lane-direction 0 ] ;; "northbound" [ set lane-direction 180 ] ;; "southbound" ]
;; purely horizontal lane: pick 90 or 270 if (y-road? and not x-road?) [ ifelse (pycor mod 2 = 0) [ set lane-direction 90 ] ;; "eastbound" [ set lane-direction 270 ] ;; "westbound" ] ]
to setup-intersections
ask patches with [is-road?] [ let x-road? (abs pxcor mod road-spacing <= 1) let y-road? (abs pycor mod road-spacing <= 1)
;; Intersection = patch that is both x-road & y-road if (x-road? and y-road?) [ set is-intersection? true set pcolor yellow set lane-direction -1 ;; means "all directions possible here" ] ]
to setup-traffic-lights
if traffic-lights? [ ;; Turn on lights at each intersection ask patches with [is-intersection?] [ set traffic-light? true set light-state true ] ]
to setup-road-conditions
let sum-prob (good-road-probability + bad-road-probability) ask patches with [is-road?] [ let r random-float 1 ifelse (r < good-road-probability) [ ;; (1) "Good" road set road-condition 0 set pcolor grey ] [ ifelse (r < sum-prob) [ ;; (2) "Bad" road set road-condition 1 set pcolor (grey - 2) ;; 5% chance to become "Very Bad" instead: if random-float 1 < 0.05 [ set road-condition 2 set pcolor orange ] ] [ set road-condition 0 set pcolor grey ] ] ]
to create-initial-cars
ask cars [ die ] ;; remove any old cars
let valid-starts patches with [ is-road? and not has-accident? and not any? cars-here ]
if not any? valid-starts [ user-message "No valid road patches for car creation!" stop ]
create-cars min list number-of-cars (count valid-starts) [ set shape "car" set color blue set size 0.8
;; pick a random road patch let start-patch one-of valid-starts move-to start-patch set valid-starts valid-starts with [self != start-patch]
;; If this patch is an intersection => pick a direction ifelse ([lane-direction] of patch-here = -1) [ set heading one-of [0 90 180 270] ] [ set heading [lane-direction] of patch-here ]
set speed 0 set max-speed base-speed set stopped-ticks 0 set destination nobody set distance-traveled 0 set birth-tick ticks ]
- 7. GO (MAIN LOOP) ;;;
to go
if not any? cars [ stop ]
update-traffic-lights move-cars check-accidents clear-old-accidents update-statistics
to update-traffic-lights
if traffic-lights? [ ask patches with [is-intersection? and traffic-light?] [ ;; simple toggle every 30 ticks if (ticks mod 30 = 0) [ set light-state not light-state set pcolor ifelse-value light-state [green] [red] ] ] ]
- 9. MOVE CARS ;;;
to move-cars
ask cars [ ;; Force lane direction let patch-lane [lane-direction] of patch-here
ifelse patch-lane = -1 [ ;; intersection => pick a new direction each tick or once set heading one-of [0 90 180 270] ] [ ;; normal lane => enforce that heading set heading patch-lane ]
;; Decide if it's safe to move let safe-to-move? true
;; Check traffic light if [traffic-light?] of patch-here [ if not ([light-state] of patch-here) [ set safe-to-move? false ] ]
;; Check for cars ahead in same lane if any? cars-on patch-ahead 1 [ set safe-to-move? false ]
;; Move or slow ifelse safe-to-move? [ set speed min (list (speed + 0.1) max-speed) forward speed set distance-traveled distance-traveled + speed set stopped-ticks 0 ] [ set speed max (list (speed - 0.2) 0) set stopped-ticks (stopped-ticks + 1) ]
;; if the car leaves the grid: if not is-patch? patch-here [ set count-completed-cars (count-completed-cars + 1) ;; Add to sum-travel-time: set sum-travel-time (sum-travel-time + (ticks - birth-tick))
;; Then die die ]
if (max-pxcor - abs xcor) < 1 or (max-pycor - abs ycor) < 1 [ set total-cars-reached-destination (total-cars-reached-destination + 1)
set count-completed-cars (count-completed-cars + 1) set sum-travel-time (sum-travel-time + (ticks - birth-tick)) die ] ]
to check-accidents
;; For each car, compute probability of an accident ask cars [ if random-float 1 < calculate-accident-probability self [ create-accident self ] ]
to-report calculate-accident-probability [ c ]
;; Base accident probability from driver error let base (driver-error-rate * 0.00025) ;; Find the patch under turtle c (using c's pxcor, pycor) let p patch ([pxcor] of c) ([pycor] of c) ;; Road condition effect if [road-condition] of p = 1 [ set base (base * 2) ] if [road-condition] of p = 2 [ set base (base * 2.6) ] ;; Speed factor let speed-ratio ([speed] of c / [max-speed] of c) set base (base * (speed-ratio + 0.1)) ;; +0.1 so even slow cars have some chance ;; Congestion effect: how many other cars are within radius 1.5 of c let nearby-cars count cars with [ distance c < 1.5 ] set base (base + (nearby-cars * 0.0005)) ;; Intersection effect if [is-intersection?] of p [ set base (base * 1.5) ] ;; Cap at 1% (0.01) to avoid extreme probabilities report min (list base 0.1)
to create-accident [ c ]
set accident-count (accident-count + 1) set total-cars-accident (total-cars-accident + 1)
;; Mark the patch let px ([pxcor] of c) let py ([pycor] of c) ask patch px py [ set has-accident? true set pcolor red set accident-lifetime accident-duration
;; Accidents by Road Condition: if (road-condition = 0) [ set accident-count-good (accident-count-good + 1) ] if (road-condition = 1) [ set accident-count-bad (accident-count-bad + 1) ] if (road-condition = 2) [ set accident-count-very-bad (accident-count-very-bad + 1) ] ]
;; Time & Distance to Accident: let time-until-accident (ticks - [birth-tick] of c) let dist-until-accident ([distance-traveled] of c) set sum-time-until-accident (sum-time-until-accident + time-until-accident) set sum-distance-until-accident (sum-distance-until-accident + dist-until-accident)
;; kill the car ask c [ die ]
to clear-old-accidents
;; Decrement accident-lifetime. When it hits 0, clear the patch. ask patches with [has-accident?] [ set accident-lifetime (accident-lifetime - 1) if (accident-lifetime <= 0) [ set has-accident? false ;; restore color based on road-condition if (road-condition = 0) [ set pcolor grey ] if (road-condition = 1) [ set pcolor (grey - 2) ] if (road-condition = 2) [ set pcolor orange ] ] ]
to update-statistics
let car-count count cars let total-speed 0
if car-count > 0 [ set total-speed sum [speed] of cars set average-speed (total-speed / car-count) ] if car-count = 0 [ set average-speed 0 ]
set average-congestion count cars with [ (stopped-ticks >= 2) and (any? cars-on patch-ahead 1) ] if number-of-cars > 0 [ set accident-percentage ((accident-count / number-of-cars) * 100) ] ;;Average travel time for cars that completed trip if count-completed-cars > 0 [ set average-travel-time (sum-travel-time / count-completed-cars) ] ;;Averages for time & distance until accident if accident-count > 0 [ set average-time-until-accident (sum-time-until-accident / accident-count) set average-distance-until-accident (sum-distance-until-accident / accident-count) ] ;; Plot them carefully [ set-current-plot "Average Speed" plot average-speed
set-current-plot "Total Accidents" plot accident-count
set-current-plot "Average Congestion" plot average-congestion ] []
Sadauskas, V. (2011). Traffic safety strategies, Transport, 18(2), 79–83. DOI: 10.1080/16483840.2003.10414070
Gstalter, H., & Fastenmeier, W. (2010). Reliability of drivers in urban intersections. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 42(1), 225–234. Link
TSK Praha (2020). Ročenka dopravy – 2020. Link
Nordfjærn, T., Jørgensen, S., & Rundmo, T. (2011). A cross-cultural comparison of road traffic risk perceptions, attitudes towards traffic safety, and driver behaviour. Journal of Risk Research, 14(6), 657–684. Link
Fanny Malin (2017). Accident risks in different weather conditions. Link