Garden simulation

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Title: Invasive Plant Species vs. Native Plants vs. Herbivores

Author: Jan César (cesj05)

Method: Agent-based model

Tool: NetLogo

Introduction and problem definition

Nature provides us with many interesting competitions. Whether it is predator vs. prey or invasive plant species vs. native plant species vs. herbivores (this simulation), it is a good topic for an agent-based simulation. The goal of this simulation is to understand the dynamics of competition between invasive plant species and native plants in a shared environment. The result will show how the shared environment is filled with invasive/native plants accordding to the set up.

Model and Method

The garden is randomly populated with a mix of invasive and native plants. There are also multiple herbivores placed around the area. The is also set up resource level for each patch.


Each patch represents a piece of land that can grow either a native or invasive plant. Plants compete for resources on each patch and must face the danger of multiple herbivores placed around the area.


Kudzu (Invasive)

growth-rate: probability of reproducing if resources are sufficient. seed-dispersal-range: how far new kudzu can spawn from the parent. resource-needs: minimum resources required to survive or reproduce.

Coneflower (Native)

growth-rate: probability of reproducing if resources are sufficient. seed-dispersal-range: smaller than kudzu’s. resource-needs: lower than kudzu’s, reflecting different resource tolerance.


preference: which plant they are more likely to eat (invasive, native, or none). energy: increases by eating, decreases each turn (if it hits 0, the herbivore dies).


  • initial-kudzu - Number of invasive plant at the start of the simulation
  • initial-coneflowers - Number of native plants at the start of the simulation
  • initial-herbivores - Number of herbivores at the start of the simulation
  • herbivory-probability - Probability that a herbivore successfully eats a plant upon encountering it
  • kudzu-growth-rate - Probability that invasive plant try to reproduce each tick if it has enough resources
  • coneflower-growth-rate - Probability that native plants try to reproduce each tick if they have enough resources
  • herbivore-preference - Chooser which tells herbivores which plant to prefer when they encounter multiple possibilities


Cesj05 simulation ui.png

Simulation steps

Setup Phase

Clear the world (remove any previous data)

Set up patches

Initialize each patch’s resource-level to a random or chosen value, and set occupant = "none".

Create Kudzu

Generate initial-kudzu turtles of breed kudzu. Place each on a random patch that isn’t blocked. Set each turtle’s growth parameters (growth-rate, resource-needs, seed-dispersal-range). Mark the patch occupant as "kudzu".

Create Coneflower

Same steps as kudzu but for initial-coneflowers. Lower seed-dispersal-range, possibly a lower or different growth-rate. Mark occupant as "coneflower".

Create Herbivores

Generate initial-herbivores turtles. Place them randomly on valid patches. Give them default energy, set preference from a chooser (invasive/native/none).

Go Phase (Repeated Each Tick)

Herbivores Move and Eat (move-and-eat)

Each herbivore picks a random direction or a nearby patch. If it encounters a plant occupant on its patch, check if random-float 1.0 < herbivory-probability. If yes, remove the plant (occupant = "none"), and increase the herbivore’s energy. Subtract 1 energy each tick. If it goes to 0, the herbivore dies.

Plants Grow and Reproduce (grow-and-reproduce)

Each plant checks the patch’s resource-level. If resource-level >= resource-needs, it survives. It may also reproduce if random-float 1.0 < growth-rate. Reproduction calls disperse-seeds to create a new plant in a nearby patch (defined by seed-dispersal-range). The new seed’s success is tested against seed-dispersal-success. If it fails, no new plant is created. If the patch doesn’t have enough resources, the plant dies (occupant = "none").

Resource Regeneration (resource-regeneration)

Each patch’s resource-level increments slightly each tick, up to a maximum (e.g., 1.0).

Increment Ticks

tick advances the simulation clock by 1.


The results of the simulation may vary depending on the setup. Below is a list of four possible outcomes observed in the simulation:

Kudzu Dominates

Kudzu’s faster growth and bigger dispersal radius let it outcompete coneflower, especially if herbivores favor native plants or herbivory-probability is low.


Both species persist in different patches when resource levels are balanced and herbivores exert moderate pressure on each species.

Kudzu Fails

If herbivores strongly target invasive plants (kudzu) or resources are too scarce for its high demands, coneflower survives while kudzu dies out.


Under extreme conditions (e.g., very high herbivory or poor resources), either one or both plant species may vanish, potentially leaving empty patches if neither survives.


The simulation successfully simulates multiple scenarios and results. The result are depending purely on the setup of variables and therefore it is up to the user to change the outcome.

NetLogo File

File:Cesj05 simulation.nlogo


For Kudzu (Pueraria montana):

Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. (n.d.). Pueraria montana var. lobata: Kudzu. Retrieved from

National Center for Biotechnology Information. (2024). PMC Article on Kudzu Growth Dynamics. Retrieved from

Wikipedia contributors. (n.d.). Kudzu in the United States. Retrieved from

For Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea):

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. (n.d.). Plant guide: Echinacea purpurea. Retrieved from

Plant Delights Nursery. (n.d.). Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea). Retrieved from

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. (n.d.). Echinacea purpurea Fact Sheet. Retrieved from